Top 5 Tips to Grow Your Business During Pandemic

During this COVID-19 pandemic, it’s hard for both small and large businesses to communicate with their potential and current customers. With fewer business opportunities out there, it is pivotal that businesses change their approach and strategy to overcome this barrier.

It’s quite evitable due to this pandemic, many businesses have shifted their dealings online and are trying to learn how things work online. Internet and online business has been a thing for years, but there are still some people who are new to it. Therefore, most of them have never learnt how to optimise or grow their business online.

So looking at the current scenario in Australia and around the world, we at New Online Road have come up with a great idea of giving some insights and tips on how businesses can utilise digital marketing to their benefit and make the most out of it. Let’s take a look.

1. Consistently Connect with Your Customers

Connect with Customers | Tips to Grow Business

Having a great product or service is critical, but without brand acknowledgment, you can easily lose sales to more well-established competitors. For your audience to recognize your brand, you must be consistent. Being consistent in your brand allows you to grow in audience engagement and reach. Today, where all businesses are quickly adapting to digital change, for you to stand out, you need to be managing and controlling your brand narrative on all possible social media and marketing platforms regularly. These small actions can create a huge impact on your customers and nurture your relationship with them. Moreover, inconsistency leads to doubt and people expect clear answers quickly.

According to the reports and statistics, almost 72% of the marketers around the globe believe that their efforts through social media marketing have been “somewhat effective” or “very effective” for their business. The best way to ensure consistency through all the channels is to make a list of all the channels your business is active on and set a reminder to update or post something of value once a month.

2.Optimise for Local Search

Local SEO | Tips to Grow Business During COVID

As per the statistics, 92% of the searchers select businesses that appear on the first page of the local search results pages. Hence, if your business offers a product or service within a specific geographic region (e.g. electricians, florists, plumbers, accountants, etc.), be sure to target those areas to reach people nearby. Failing to plan for these customers can result in losing many potential clients. In addition, try and find local keywords in your niche that are attracting traffic using tools like the Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool. Moreover, optimising for the local search is ​​a form of local advertising that connects consumers to your website at no cost.

Further, reviews and ratings also play an important part when you are placing your business for a specific location. The majority of the searchers make their final decision after looking upon the experience and reviews of previous customers. That’s where local SEO comes in. It is an effective way to get quality reviews from previous customers. Having a good and high rated review builds credibility and loyalty in the local market automatically.

3.Create Helpful Content

Create Helpful Content | Grow Business During Pandemic

Realizing that your clients or customers are also struggling and fighting this pandemic crisis and how important it is for you to show up for them is key to maintaining relationships. Nobody at these tough times wants to be sold to. Instead creating helpful and informative content that customers are looking for would help your brand or business gain more attention and build a more loyal customer base. This is a fine opportunity for all businesses to become a niche in their industry by regularly posting blogs, newsletters, etc. If your content answers the queries and enquiries your customers have, you will automatically rank higher on search engines. Also, the longer your customers are engaged with your website, the better the chances of closing a deal when they’re ready to buy.

4. Redefine Your Strategy

Marketers in a post-pandemic world will be bothered by several factors and questions like the resurgence of the virus, post covid market behaviour, product quality, etc. and these factors are likely to affect whether consumers are tempted to indulge with a business or choose to protect their cash. To fit in the changing business environment, businesses require to redefine their strategy and how they approach the customers. Steps to be taken:

  • Review and update your buyer persona
  • Monitor the marketing trends in your industry
  • Detect new consumer patterns
  • Redefine your business goals
  • Invest in organic traffic and SEO
  • Build a dashboard and review it regularly


Following these steps will ​develop a clear understanding of how customers’ habits are evolving, how their interactions with your brand are shifting, and what your brand can do to meet the changes.

5. Ensure Website Optimisation

Website Optimisation | Grow Business During COVID

We all know ​​websites have become a hub during the current pandemic. As consumers continue to lockdown and rely on digital connectivity, it is pivotal that businesses should make the most out of it by optimising their website and the digital tools they have. Surveys have shown nearly 99% of Australians accessed the internet in the last 6 months of 2020. Optimising the website content can help you fill in the gaps and be more out there for your target audience which is practically the entire Australia.

It is important to remember that the majority of the viewers on your website are looking for something, it can either be service, product, or just information. Optimisations make it easier for site visitors to accomplish these goals. Also, optimising the website can result in an increase in more qualified traffic to your site. A rise in ROI and conversions like leads, form submission, calls, signups, purchases, can also be seen.


With the current pandemic climate, organisations are starting to spend more time on their digital platforms, increased their marketing budgets, and optimising all the digital platforms they are active on. Lagging behind or ignoring the importance of digital marketing in such a time will surely result badly.

If you wish to move online and need any help, New Online Road is always the answer. Our team of digital marketing experts will walk you through this tough time and will get you the desired results in no time.